Tuesday, 1 January 2013

26 January 2013 Boycott

The silent non- violent protests that have been witnessed ever since the brutal rape of the 23 year old medical student clearly demonstrate that the youth of india are no longer in the mood to sit back and allow the government and its elected representatives to take the usual route of laying out platitudes and expressing lip sympathy while they have already decided to do nothing in terms of actual enactment of stricter laws to prevent such horrendous crimes in future .

However, as the movement has sustained the momentum so far it is absolutely vital that this moment in history does not fade away . The annual 26 January extravaganza is forthcoming . This is the occasion when our country showcases its achievements and proudly puts its best foot forward to tell the world that we have moved forward both culturally and economically and are ready to take our place amongst the comity of civilised , developed nations of the world. We showcase our culture in the form of tableaux drawn from each state highlighting the development taking place there, we have our school children showcase dances and culture .

This year it would be appropriate that our youth and our school children show their disappointment and sadness at the inaction on the part of their elected representatives but deciding NOT TO PARTICIPATE in this year's 26 January Republic day celebrations ! Let the protests and sit-ins continue as today all along the projected venue of the parade . Let the people know that we have no pride in what is happening today in our capital city nor in our country so long as the government is not prepared to take tangible steps to address this malaise.....take concrete steps to institute police reforms and call for a special session of parliament to initiate strong new laws to punish future would -be rapists .

Let the Republic day parade be just a showcase of the government power and nothing else. Let it not be business as usual for a government which has lost total sensitivity to the feelings of the public who brought them into power , a government which has no will or desire to take any concrete steps to put the minds of the youth at rest and to assure them that they will do whatever it takes to ensure their safety , a government whose representatives continue each day to make disgusting suggestions like asking women to stay indoors, school girls to stop wearing skirts to school etc. while the rapes continue unabated each day across the length and breadth of our beloved country .

Let the protests continue non- violently , with total focus and intensity but with a clear message to the government that it is NOT BUSINESS AS USUAL anymore !

Please circulate this message as widely as possible .

1 comment:

  1. I Boycott 26 January (Republic Day) ... and on 27th Jan i m going to publish the letter after sending to Dr. Manmohan Singh so called Prime Minister of My Country... along with some more servants of mine ...

    मै ये पत्र 26 January से पहले ही भेजना चाहता था लेकिन जयपुर शो में अड़चन के डर के चलते नहीं कर पाया, अपने साथ - साथ बाकी के साथियो की सोच कर रुक गया हु।

    मै कोई बुद्धिजीवी तो नहीं, परन्तु एक भारतवासी होने क नाते कुछ सवाल मुझे परेशान कर रहे है, उनका जवाब मैंने उस पत्र में माँगा है, साथ ही एक छोटी सी जमा - भाग है जिसने मुझे हिला कर रख दिया।
